Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Daryl vs...": My First "Mini" Contest!

(Work in progress...)

So with a brand-spanking-new season of "The Walking Dead" underway, I was inspired to draw a comic book-style piece inspired by the show's resident badass, crossbow-slinging Daryl Dixon. But this one's got a twist...

In this rendering, Daryl's facing off against a non-undead mystery threat, a character not featured on the show or in the comic book which inspired the show. This particular threat, however, is a pop culture icon who is just as deadly - if not deadlier - as Dixon.

So, here's where you come in, Howlers...

Once it's finished, this inked and fully hand-colored piece will be up for grabs to the one Howler who can guess exactly who Daryl Dixon is facing in his standoff. But here's the rub...

You have to be a member of my Creation Nation "Howlers" page on Facebook ( OR a "Twowler" (a Twitter "Howler") on my Twitter account ( On either page (comments section of the Facebook page regarding this link or in reply to any of my Tweets regarding this link), post who you think Daryl's secret opponent is.

There's no limit to your guessing but you cannot edit your post to change your answer (on the Facebook page). If you need to guess again or correct yourself, just type out a new comment. Edited posts will be disregarded.

The first correct Howler wins. Easy as pie (pie not included).

But that's not all!

This "Daryl vs..." piece is the first in what I'm calling my "'Mini' Contests." Every month, I'm going to render a smaller piece (comic book-style, about a standard letter size, 8 1/2" X 11", penciled, inked and hand-colored on Bristol Board) and I'm offering it up to a "Howler" each time. The rules to winning might be different each time depending on the subject matter or it could just be a random thing (or maybe I'll even ask YOU to choose the subject/subjects with the best idea winning the "Mini"!) but I'm doing it to show my appreciation. 

Because without "Howlers," who would I share my art with?

Oh, by the way...the contest starts NOW!

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