Sunday, August 2, 2015

Rowdy Roddy Piper: A tribute (part one)

On July 30, a true personal influence of mine - one who made it perfectly fine to be weird and mouthy - Rowdy Roddy Piper passed away in his sleep as a result of cardiac arrest. What can I say about the "Hot Rod" that hasn't already been said? 

Well, in part one of my tribute to the Rowdy One, I knocked out a comic book-inspired version of the WWE Hall-of-Famer in ink (Micron and Pentel Pocket Brush pens).

In a way, it sort of looks Neal Adams-inspired. I don't know. I just wish I rendered Roddy under different circumstances. I should have done it a long time ago.

Stay tuned for part two of my Roddy Piper tribute, in which I'll post a fully-colored version of this piece in gouache watercolor paint.

Rest well, Roddy.

Questions? Comments? Complaints? Hit me up at You can also follow me at and


  1. Terrific likeness. He had his rounds with McMann. Roddy was quite a colorful individual, you said it best, an icon. L

    1. Thank you so very much, Leon!! We will never experience another like him. Again, MUCH appreciated, Sir. :)
